Date: January 25—January 30, 2020
Tecate, Baja California, Mexico
The Fear Cure
In a world flavored with fear, in a culture that conditions us to believe that our rational minds must strategize, worry, micromanage, plan, and exercise control over our lives in order to ward off life’s many dangers, it’s no wonder so many people literally worry themselves sick. Scientific data proves that fear isn’t just an unpleasant emotion that holds us back from fulfilling our dreams; it also predisposes us to heart disease, cancer, and chronic illness. Is there a way to free yourself and make fear your ally? Yes. In this evening program, we’ll be experiencing just a taste of what it feels like to be free of fear through an experiential process, then we’ll deepen our exploration of this question throughout the week. By the end of the week, you’ll have tools, practices, and a felt sense of what’s possible so you can optimize your health, wellbeing, relationships, creativity, and spiritual connection once it’s time to leave the Ranch.
Follow up #1 Meet Your Inner Pilot Light
What is your Inner Pilot Light? Poet Mark Nepo describes it best: “Each person is born with an unencumbered
spot, free of expectation and regret, free of ambition and embarrassment, free of fear and worry; an umbilical spot of grace where we were each first touched by God.” But how do we strengthen this connection to our inner healer, mentor, therapist, muse, and beloved guide? In this session, you will be introduced to a paradigm-shifting practice that starts to install in your consciousness a whole new operating system, one that vibrates in the frequency love, not fear.
Follow up #2 Inner Pilot Light Playtime
This experiential session offers a guided meditation, followed by some tools and practices you can use at home to deepen your connection. In this playful session, we’ll be delighting in all the ways your Inner Pilot Light might be trying to make contact with you through connecting practices that may feel magical, synchronistic, or even miraculous.
Follow up #3 A Ritual of Surrender
Bringing together everything we’ve learned all week, we’ll use music, writing, and ritual to anchor your connection to your Inner Pilot Light and invoke a new way to experiencing and relating to a benevolent universe that has got your back and is here to help guide you, so your mind can relax, you can let go of control, and a state of flow can become your new normal, opening you to blissful, ecstatic experiences of connection that help you live your purpose, find your soul tribe, optimize whole health, attract abundance, and become more intimate with the ultimate Source of love, both within yourself and in the world you inhabit.