Faculty—Christine Gibson,MD

Christine Gibson, MD, is a Family Medicine specialist physician, with an interest in Health Equity and in Medical Education. She works at a Community Health Centre serving low-income clients as well as with refugee populations. Her current framework is that of social innovation, taking a systems-level approach to changemaking. In the health system, this means looking at a larger container that includes all healing modalities.

Through social innovation, Christine enhances resilience and agency for communities who have been historically oppressed. Taking an asset-based and trauma-informed approach, she fosters way for community members solve their own problems.

She has taught at the Undergraduate Medicine level for over fifteen years, ranging from courses in Communication to Global Health. She acted as Associate Program Director for Family Medicine Residency in Calgary for two years, and was Program Director for Global Health Enhanced Skills residency training from 2008 to 2014. In creating this program, she completed a Masters in Medical Education with a thesis topic of using a portfolio for resident assessment of these focused, reflective students.

Globally, Christine has worked with a University of Calgary project in Laos PDR to support the development of a novel Family Medicine program. Christine has further collaborated in East Africa, facilitating the formation of an East African network of Family Medicine stakeholders and educators. To support the development of Family Medicine in areas with greatest need, she is Executive Director for Global Familymed Foundation, a Not-For-Profit to build capacity in supporting physicians to train and work where they’re needed the most. She has provided consulting in Family Medicine development to Patan Academy of Health Sciences in Nepal, to Gondar University in Ethiopia, and to the Myanmar Academy of Family Medicine.

Specialties: Family Medicine, Medical Education, Global Health, Social Innovation, Community Engagement.

Click here to visit globalfamilymed.org.